Friday 3 April 2009

Shearer! Shearer! Shearer!!!

So Alan Shearer has become manager of Newcastle United for 8 games, in a bid to 'Keep them in the Premiership'

This whole story has me asking a few questions.

1/. Do Newcastle fans have jobs? Whoever seems to be appointed, or signed, St James' Park seems to over run with morons screaming their new heros name! 'Owen, Owen, Owen!' 'Bonny, Bobby, Bobby!', Keegan, Keegan, Keegan!' Can you all just piss off back to work, your kids might see you acting like a complete bell end in front of the sky sports news cameras! Grown men, chanting like it was the second coming! Made even more ridiculous given that two weeks later, the same fans are saying,' well he just wasn't the man for the job!' 

2/. Shearer? Saviour, we are talking about a man who has NEVER managed a team before, and we see him week in, week out, talking tat on MOTD!? On a Saturday night, he sits with Gary L and Alan H, and after they watch a game, he merely shows sections of the game, while explaining what is happening on screen - ' Yeah, so here we have Rooney on the ball, and he erm, kicks it over to Ronaldo, who crosses it in....and they were doing that all day!'

What is he really going to bring to the table, apart from a very loud stadium of fans who seem about three stages lower on the evolutionary chain!

2/. Is is just me, or has Shearer spent his career taking the 'easy' way out?! Wins the Premier League with Blackburn, then has a fork in the road, either go to Man Utd, where he can fight for his position amongst some of the best players in the world, no guarantee there, but the rewards will be worth the work. Or go to Newcastle, where you will walk into a position, even if you punched the chairman's wife, you would be on that team sheet! The down side to this is, you will never win any major trophy, and your career will be some what of a coast!? 

Newcastle it is then!!!

And then there is now, there was chat of Shearer!Shearer!Shearer! taking over at the beginning of the season, but he knew it would mean responsibility, hence said  no, now , with 8 games to go, he cant lose, if they go down, it wasn't Shearer!Shearer!Shearer! s fault, if they stay up, we can expect to see some more overweight middle aged men skiving off work to hang around St James' Park and chant his name, from which Shearer!Shearer!Shearer!  will go back to Match of the Day, after all, a whole season in charge will be too responsible!

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